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Records: 4




  Record 1 to 4 of 4


Tornar Volver


Author:  Castaño Velayos, Gustavo
Publisher: Institución Cultural
City: Caceres
Year 19--?
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Sculpture
Library: Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Cáceres
Abstract: Exhibition catalogue of Gustavo Castaño's sculptures at the Cultural Institution 'El Brocense'.
Id: 1299



  Obra sindical de educación y descanso : Cáceres, Septiembre, 1946


Publisher: Tip. El Noticiero
City: Caceres
Year 1946
Document type:  Documentary sources
Subject: Photography
Library: Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Cáceres
Abstract: Rules for photography and art exhibitions in the province of Cáceres.
Id: 1277



  Castillos, torres y casas fuertes de la Provincia de Cáceres : apuntes históricos


Author:  Hurtado, Publio (1850-1929)
Publisher: Imp. y Librería Católica de Santos Floriano
City: Caceres
Year 1912
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Information on castles and fortifications in the province of Caceres.
Id: 1045



  III Exposición Provincial de Arte : Catálogo de Obras, Cáceres, mayo 1949


City: Caceres
Year 1949
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Cáceres
Abstract: Catalogue of the exhibition of paintings, sculptures, drawings, cartoons and photographs by amateur artists (with the name and profession of all of them). It includes photographs of the works and the exhibition hall.
Id: 793




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