Author:Sánchez Cantón, Francisco Javier Publisher:El Instituto City:Madrid Year1923 Document type: Catalogs Subject:Painting Library: Fundació Amatller Abstract: Catalogue of the paintings of the Instituto Valencia of Don Juan in Marid. Classified in four sections: portraits of kings and princes, portraits of various people, portraits of the ancestors of the founders of the Instituto and paintings of various genres. Id: 1669
Author:Candeira Pérez, Constantino
; Antón, Francisco Publisher:Gráficas Andrés Martín City:Valladolid Year1960 Document type: Conferences Subject:Religious art Library: Col·lecció particular Abstract: Speech read by Constantino Candeira Pérez on the occasion of his admission to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of the Purísima Concepción in Valladolid in 1960. The study deals with the altarpiece of San Benito el Real by Alonso Berruguete in Valladolid. The text includes the response speech of the academic Francisco Anton Casaseca. Id: 661
Author:Antón, Francisco Publisher:viuda de E. Calamita City:Zamora Year1927 Document type: Studies on buildings Subject:Architecture Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León Abstract: Study by Francisco Antón (Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando) on the Romanesque buildings in the city of Zamora, including the Cathedral and the churches of 'San Claudio de Olivares', 'Santiago el Viejo', 'Santo Tomé', 'Santa María la Nueva' and 'San Cipriano'. Id: 577