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Search > Author: Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896
  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Castilla La Nueva. III


Author:  Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896 ; Fuente, Vicente de la
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1886
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Castilla la Nueva and its monuments written by J.M. Quadrado and Vicente de la Fuente in 1886 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It is the third volume and contains drawings by Pascó, heliographies by Thomás, engravings by Thomás and Gómez Polo, and trading cards by Xumetra.
Id: 1574



  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Castilla La Nueva. II


Author:  Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896 ; Fuente, Vicente de la
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1886
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Castilla la Nueva and its monuments written by J.M. Quadrado and Vicente de la Fuente in 1886 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It is the second volume and contains pen drawings by Pascó, Oms and O. Delgado, heliographies by Thomás, engravings by Gómez Polo and trading cards by Xumetra.
Id: 1573



  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Castilla la Nueva (1885-1886)


Author:  Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1885-1886
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Digital de Madrid
Abstract: Study on Castilla la nueva and its monuments written by J.M. Quadrado in 1885 and 1886 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It is the first volume and contains photogravures by Meisenbach and Gómez Polo, heliographies by Thomás, trading cards by Xumetra and pen drawings by Martín, Oms and Xumetra.
Id: 1572



  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Asturias y León


Author:  Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1885
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Asturias and León and its monuments written by José M. Quadrado in 1885 in the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It contains clichés by Laurent, engravings by Meisenbach, Joarizti and Gómez Polo, drawings by Parcerisa, Pascó, Atenza and Gómez Soler, and trading cards by Xumetra.
Id: 1568



  España : sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Salamanca, Ávila y Segovia


Author:  Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896
Publisher: Daniel Cortezo y Cía.
City: Barcelona
Year 1884
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca del Banco de España
Abstract: Study on Salamanca, Ávila and Segovia and their monuments written by José M. Quadrado in 1884 within the collection 'España sus monumentos y artes - su naturaleza é historia' (Spain its monuments and arts - its nature and history). It contains clichés by Laurent, engravings by Meisenbach, heliographies by Bruckmann, trading cards by Xumetra and pen drawings by Brugada and Pascó.
Id: 1566



  Recuerdos y bellezas de España. Castilla la Nueva: obra destinada a dar a conocer sus monumentos y antigüedades


Author:  Parcerisa, F. J., 1803-1875 ; Quadrado, José María, 1819-1896; Donon, Julio, S.XIX
Publisher: Imprenta de Repullés
City: Madrid
Year 1853
Document type:  Album
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca Regional de Madrid
Abstract: Album with lithographs and descriptions of monuments in Madrid and Toledo.
Id: 1229





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