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  Guía de Avila : ó descripción de sus monumentos


Author:  Blázquez, Antonio
Publisher: Tipografía de Cayetano González
City: Ávila
Year 1896
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Descriptive guide to the main monuments of the city of Avila, such as the Wall, the Cathedral, the churches of San Pedro and San Vicente, the convents of Santa Teresa, la Encarnación, San Jose and Santo Tomas, the Military Academy and the Hermitage of Sonsoles. With photographs.
Id: 601


  Glosario de voces de armería


Author:  Leguina, Enrique de, 1841-1924
Publisher: Librería de Felipe Rodríguez
City: Madrid
Year 1912
Document type:  Dictionary
Subject: Weapons
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Dictionary compiled by Enrique de Leguina, Baron de la Vega de Hoz (1841-1928) for the scientific classification of ancient weapons and armor. The goal is to differentiate between different periods and styles.
Id: 600


  Las generaciones artísticas de la Edad Media en la provincia de León


Author:  Luengo Martínez, José María, 1896-1991
Publisher: Imprenta y Librería de Jesús López
City: León
Year 1933
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Lecture by José María Luengo presented on 30 March 1933 at the Casino de Coyanza. The text examines the different generations of art in Leon from the 6th century to the 14th century. It contains photographs.
Id: 599


  Exposición organizada por la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País : objetos que expuso el Sr. D. José Villamil y Castro


Publisher: Imp. del Seminario Conciliar Central
City: Santiago de Compostela
Year 1885
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Catalog of the exhibition organized by the Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País, held in Santiago de Compostela in 1885. The show was divided into different sections: the first dedicated to the antiquities of Galicia, the second to antiques from outside the region, the third to Christian art, and the fourth devoted to Middle Ages and modern ceramics.
Id: 598


  Estudios histórico-artísticos: relativos principalmente a Valladolid, basados en la investigación de diversos archivos


Author:  Martí y Monsó, José, 1840-1912
Publisher: Leonardo Miñón
City: Valladolid
Year 1901
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Biographies of artists
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Study by the painter José Martí and Monsó (Valencia, 1840-Valladolid, 1912), Director of the School of Fine Arts of Valladolid and member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Analyzing the works of art and the news about artists from the historical and artistic point of view. The study focuses mainly in the province of Valladolid, but also extends to the rest of Spain. The publication is illustrated with more than three hundred lithographic prints, made by the author of the book, and photographs.
Id: 597


  España artística y monumental : vistas y descripción de los sitios y monumentos más notables de España …


Author:  Escosura, Patricio de la, 1807-1878
Publisher: Alberto Hauser
City: Paris
Year 1842-1850
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Published in Paris in three volumes between 1842 and 1850, the work presents the main monuments of various Spanish cities. Patricio de la Escosura (1807-1878) was responsible for the text, while the artistic direction was in charge of the Romantic painter Genaro Pérez de Villaamil (1807-1854). From this painter are the original drawings used by the French lithographers responsible for the lithographic prints in the publication.
Id: 596


  Escuela de N. y B. A. de S. Eloy de Salamanca : Discurso leído por... Francisco Jarrín, presbítero... en la solemne apertura del curso de 1889 al 1890 y adjudicación de premios a los alumnos de la mencionada escuela


Author:  Jarrín y Moro, Francisco
Publisher: Est. tip. de Vicente Oliva
City: Salamanca
Year 1889
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Speech read on the occasion of the start of the academic year at the School of San Eloy of Salamanca.
Id: 595


  Ensayo sobre el simbolismo religioso en las construcciones eclesiásticas de la Edad Media


Author:  Pinedo, Ramiro de
Publisher: Imp. de Rafel Y. de Aldecoa
City: Burgos
Year 1924
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Iconology
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Study written by the Benedictine monk Ramiro de Pinedo, academician of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. The work examines different animal symbolism of church buildings from the Middle Ages, focusing especially on the Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos.
Id: 594


  Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, en la recepción pública del Sr. Eduardo Chicharro, el día 14 de mayo de 1922


Author:  Chicharro y Agüera, Eduardo, 1873-1949
Publisher: Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
City: Madrid
Year 1922
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Art theory
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Speech read by Eduardo Chicharro y Agüera (1873-1949) in his entry into the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. The text contains an eulogy to his predecessor, the painter Francisco Domingo Marqués (1842-1920), and a study entitled 'Ciencia y arte del colorido'. The answer was given by Marcelino Santa María.
Id: 593


  Covarrubias en la historia y en el arte


Author:  Alameda, Julián
Publisher: Imprenta Aldecoa
City: Burgos
Year 1928
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca de Castilla y León
Abstract: Study by Julian Alameda, a Benedictine monk of Santo Domingo de Silos, which describes the historical and artistic facts of Covarrubias, including the Collegiate, the Church of Santo Tomas, the Tower and the Walls, and the City Hall.
Id: 591


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