Records: 7
Author: Canella y Secades, Fermín Publisher: Imp. y Lib. de A. M. Pruneda City: Avilés Year 1870 Document type: Studies on artists Subject: Painting Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Study on the painter Juan Carreño (1614-1685). Id: 1481
Author: Becerro de Bengoa, Ricardo Publisher: Imp. y lit. de Alonso y Z. Menéndez City: Palencia Year 1884 Document type: Guides and Travel guides Subject: Art (general) Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Description of the trip from Palencia to Oviedo. Id: 1466
Author: Oviedo (Provincia). Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos City: Oviedo Year 1908 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Art (general) Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Publication of the Provincial Commission of Historical and Artistic Monuments, with information about its organization, museum and library. Id: 1460
Author: Oviedo (Provincia). Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos Publisher: Imp. del Hospicio Provincial City: Oviedo Year 1899 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Conservation and Restoration Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Regulations on the conservation and restoration of historical and artistic monuments of Oviedo. Id: 1459
Author: Pulido Fernández, Ángel, 1859-1925 Publisher: Imp. de la viuda de M. Minuesa de los Ríos City: Madrid Year 1895 Document type: Guides and Travel guides Subject: Art (general) Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Travel guide to Asturias. Id: 1457
Author: Vigón, Braulio Publisher: Imprenta de La Opinión City: Villaviciosa Year 1894 Document type: Essays and studies Subject: Archaeology Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Study on the Roman remains of Colunga. Id: 1452
Author: Oviedo (Provincia). Comisión de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos Publisher: Imp. del Hospicio Provincial City: Oviedo Year 1899 Document type: Documentary sources Subject: Conservation and Restoration Library: Museo Arqueológico de Asturias Abstract: Legislation on the conservation of monuments. Id: 1390
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