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  Catálogo de los cuadros y esculturas que componen la galería formada por el exmo. señor doctor D. Manuel López Cepero, ...


Author:  López Cepero, Manuel
Publisher: Imp. y Litografía de la Revista Mercantil
City: Sevilla
Year 1860
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Collecting
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Auction catalog of a collection of paintings and sculptures, with the minimum information about sizes and author or school of each piece.
Id: 815



  Historia y descripción de la Sacristía Mayor de la Catedral de Sevilla y de las preciosidades artísticas que en ella…


Author:  Gestoso y Pérez, José, 1852-1917
Publisher: Imp. de la Revista de Tribunales Rivero
City: Sevilla
Year 1892
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Antiques (Ancient Objects)
Library: Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucía
Abstract: Bilingual study written in Spanish and French dealing with the history of the Main Sacristy of the Cathedral of Seville and the artworks in the sacristy.
Id: 782



  Iconografía española : colección de retratos, estatuas, mausoleos y demás monumentos inéditos de reyes, reinas, grandes capitanes, escritores,etc. desde el siglo XI hasta el XVII


Author:  Carderera, Valentín, 1796-1880
Publisher: Imp. de Ramón Campuzano
Year 1855-1864
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Portraits
Library: Museo Nacional del Romanticismo
Abstract: Catalogue of the collection of portraits of Spanish important people, brought together by the scholar and collector Valentin Carderera Solano (1796-1880) and published in Madrid.
Id: 776


  Catálogo de la exposición artística de Bilbao : agosto 1894 / patrocinada por la Diputación de Vizcaya y el Ayuntamiento de la Invicta Villa


Publisher: Imp. de Joaquín Verdaguer ; Imprenta Provincial
City: Bilbao
Year 1894
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Art (general)
Library: Fundación Sancho el Sabio
Abstract: Exhibition catalogue of paintings, sculpture, architectural projects and photography. There is a list of authors and their works with the sale price, as well as images of the works of art.
Id: 773


  Apuntes para un catálogo de los objetos que comprende la colección del Museo de Antigüedades de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, con esclusión [sic] de los numismáticos... : ensayo útil...


Author:  Castellanos de Losada, Basilio Sebastián, 1807-1891
Publisher: Imp. de Sanchiz
City: Madrid
Year 1847
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Antiques (Ancient Objects)
Library: Museo Arqueológico Nacional (España)
Abstract: Notes for a catalogue of the collection of the Antics Museum of the National Library in Madrid.
Id: 771


  Toledo pintoresco o Descripción de sus más célebres monumentos


Author:  Amador de los Ríos Serrano, José, 1816-1878
Publisher: Imp. y Lib. de Don Ignacio Boix
City: Madrid
Year 1845
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Virtual de Andalucía
Abstract: Book describing the most famous monuments of Toledo.
Id: 770



  La Giralda: discurso pronunciado en el Ateneo Sevillano el día 8 de febrero de 1896


Author:  Leguina, Enrique de, 1841-1924
Publisher: Imp. de E. Rasco
City: Sevilla
Year 1896
Document type:  Conferences
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Enrique de Leguina, Baron de la Vega de Hoz, gave this lecture on the Giralda at the Ateneo de Sevilla. The study is a compilation of press releases, and direct impressions on the contemplation of the majestic Sevillian tower.
Id: 633


  La Espada : apuntes para su historia en España


Author:  Leguina, Enrique de, 1841-1924
Publisher: Imp. de E. Rasco
City: Sevilla
Year 1885
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Weapons
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Brief study on the sword, written by Enrique de Leguina, Baron de la Vega de Hoz, who considered it to be the most noble of all weapons. The work aims to gather information and then develop a complete history of the Spanish sword. The book is divided into chapters and summaries, analizing the main characteristics and circumstances of swords.
Id: 631


  Guía del Alcázar de Sevilla : su historia y descripción : con numerosos fotograbados y un plano del palacio


Author:  Gestoso y Pérez, José, 1852-1917
Publisher: Imp. de La Andalucía Moderna
City: Sevilla
Year 1897
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Architecture
Library: Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid)
Abstract: Guide to the Alcazar Palace of Seville written by Jose Perez Gestoso in 1897. There is a description of the monument from the historical and architectural point of view, focusing on the outside and the inside of the palace. It contains photographs.
Id: 629


  Catálogo de las pinturas y esculturas del Museo Provincial de Sevilla


Author:  Gestoso y Pérez, José, 1852-1917
Publisher: Imp. J. Lacoste
City: Madrid
Year 1912
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Biblioteca del Archivo General de Andalucía
Abstract: Catalog of the Provincial Museum of Seville in 1912. The museum was under the protection of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts responsible for the arrangement of the works in different areas of the building (lobby, patios, galleries and theaters). It highlights the rooms dedicated to Murillo, the foreign schools of the 16th century, the primitive and the painter Valdes Leal. Also the rooms devoted to both painting and sculpture of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. It contains photographs.
Id: 628


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