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Records: 2




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Tornar Volver
  El Architecto perfecto en el arte Militar


Author:  Fernández de Medrano, Sebastián (1646-1705) ; Harrewijn, Franciscus (1700-1764) - grab.; Verdussen, Henricus (1653-1721)
Publisher: Henrico y Cornelio Verdussen
City: Anvers
Year 1708
Document type:  Treatises
Subject: Architecture
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Work divided into five books: the regular and irregular fortification in the modern way, speculation on each of its parts, the factory of the barracks, warehouses, etc., the defense and attack of a square according to the new way of fighting and geometry, trigonometry, calculations ...
Id: 1018



  El Felicissimo viaie d'el muy alto y muy poderoso Principe don Phelippe, hijo d'el Emperador don Carlos Quinto Maximo, desde España à sus tierras dela baxa Alemaña, con la descripcion de todos los estados de Brabante y Flandes


Author:  Calvete de Estrella, Cristóbal, 1505-1593
Publisher: Martin Nuyts
City: Anvers
Year 1552
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Festivals and solemnities
Library: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Abstract: Itinerary of the future king Philip II written by Juan Cristóbal Calvete de Estrella. It includes numerous descriptions of ephemeral constructions, without illustrations.
Id: 491




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