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Records: 5




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Tornar Volver
  La exposición ignaciana de Barcelona


Author:  March, José M.
Year 1923
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Festivals and solemnities
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Catalogue of the exhibition for the centenary year of Ignatius de Loyola held in Barcelona in 1922 and written by José M. March. The exhibition took place in the Colegio del Sagrado Corazón and it was formed by diferent objects related to the Saint: painting, sculpture, prints, printed books, manuscripts, reliquaries, maps, etc.
Id: 664

La exposición ignaciana de Barcelona


  Exposición de arte mariano : Fiestas de la Merced : Año Mariano de 1954 : Salón del Tinell


Publisher: Gráficas El Tinell
City: Barcelona
Year 1954
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Festivals and solemnities
Library: Col·lecció particular
Abstract: Catalogue of the exhibition on Marian art, held at the Tinell Hall in Barcelona in 1954. It includes a list of exhibitors and exhibits.
Id: 640

Exposición de arte mariano


  El Felicissimo viaie d'el muy alto y muy poderoso Principe don Phelippe, hijo d'el Emperador don Carlos Quinto Maximo, desde España à sus tierras dela baxa Alemaña, con la descripcion de todos los estados de Brabante y Flandes


Author:  Calvete de Estrella, Cristóbal, 1505-1593
Publisher: Martin Nuyts
City: Anvers
Year 1552
Document type:  Guides and Travel guides
Subject: Festivals and solemnities
Library: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Abstract: Itinerary of the future king Philip II written by Juan Cristóbal Calvete de Estrella. It includes numerous descriptions of ephemeral constructions, without illustrations.
Id: 491


  Descripcion del adorno, que se hizo en esta Corte a la Real entrada de su Magestad nuestro Catolico Rey Don Felipe Quinto, el dia catorze de Abril, desde el Buen Retiro à Palacio…


Publisher: s.n.
City: Madrid?
Year 1701?
Document type:  Essays and studies
Subject: Festivals and solemnities
Library: Biblioteca Nacional de España
Abstract: Description (without illustrations) of temporary constructions raised in Madrid on the occasion of the first entrance of the king (1701). Transcribed poems.
Id: 452


  Fiestas de la S. Iglesia Metropolitana y Patriarcal de Sevilla: al nuevo culto del señor rey S. Fernando el Tercero de Castilla y de Leon...


Author:  Torre Farfán, Fernando de la
Publisher: Viuda de Nicolás Rodríguez
City: Sevilla
Year 1671
Document type:  Studies on buildings
Subject: Festivals and solemnities
Library: University of California
Abstract: Fernando de la Torre Farfan (1609-1677), priest and poet, describes the events for the celebration of the canonization of San Fernando (Fernando III, 1199-1252) by Pope Clement X, held in the Cathedral of Seville in 1671. This work presents the celebrations with twenty intaglio prints by the most important painters of the second half of the 17th century: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Juan Valdés Leal, Francisco de Herrera el Mozo and Matías de Arteaga.
Id: 444




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